Elle & Vire Les recettes

Recette French Cheese Cake

32 personnes
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Pour préparer ce plat

Liste des ingrédients
240 g blanc d'oeuf
20 g sucre en poudre
350 g sucre glace
50 g farine
280 g amandes en poudre
0,5 g cannelle en poudre
2000 Cream cheese français
240 sucre
QS Arômes (vanille, orange, citron)
320 oeuf entier
240 Crème excellence 35% MG
QS Beurre gastronomique doux 82% MG
Crème Brûlée Decoration
120 g sucre cassonade
Caramel Tuile
100 g sucre
100 g sirop de glucose
100 g Beurre gastronomique doux 82% MG
50 g farine
Les bons produits Elle & Vire

La recette,
étape par étape

  1. 1


    Whip the egg whites to soft peaks, adding the caster sugar toward the end. Sift the dry ingredients together and add them to the whites, all at once. Fold
    gently with a scraper until incorporated.
    Pipe out four 20 cm diameter circles onto greaseproof paper.
    Heat the oven to 200°C, put in the oven, lower the temperature to 150°C and cook for approximately 13 minutes.
    Cut out 4 disks of 18 cm, using a pastry ring, then place them on a Silpat® mat with the macaron disk at the bottom.
  2. 2


    Mix the cream cheese with the sugar and the seasonings until smooth. Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the cream, stir without whipping.
    Butter the 4 pastry rings, then divide evenly the filling among them and smooth the surfaces.
    Bake in the oven at 90°C for 1.5 to 2 hours. Leave to cool.
  3. 3

    Crème Brûlée Decoration

    Just before serving, sprinkle brown sugar over the surface and use a blow torch to caramelise.
  4. 4

    Caramel Tuile

    Last minute caramelization can be replaced by a caramel tuile that will be put on the top just before serving.
    Mix all the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous dough. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge.
    Cut the dough into small chunks, then flatten these on a non-stick baking sheet or onto a Silpat® mat.
    Bake in the oven at 150°C, slow fan setting, and leave to cook until golden (approximately 9 minutes).
    Before they cool, cut out small circles and curl using a tuile sheet.

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