Proud Of Our Chefs!
All the Elle & Vire Professionnel® teams have replied very positively to calls for donations in order to support many local, regional or national movements by offering the needed quantities of butter, cream and cheese for production.
So far, more than 15 000 kilos of donations have been delivered across France.
We would like to thank you because thanks to your actions of solidarity, we have been able to keep a strong bond with all of you during this period, and you have allowed us to contribute to your inspiring and generous actions!
“Leading the way to better food” has taken its full meaning these past few weeks, as each of you was able to go into action to find: solutions to cook and deliver safely, partners to support you, tools to communicate differently with your customers and communities! Congratulations!
Many thanks to our partner Chefs : Nicolas Paciello, Quentin Lechat, Jérôme de Oliveira, Yannick Tranchant, Benoit Castel, Bastien Girard, Frédéric Cassel, Bastien de Changy, Lionel Lallement, Jean-Baptiste Lavergne-Morazzani, Jérémy Del Val, Enrique Casarubias, all the Chefs from the Collectif Solidaire, Gourmediterranée association…
We cannot wait to find our way back to your shop or restaurant!
If you would like to contribute and cook or bake for the nursing staff, we invite you to visit the websites of our partners:
The Elle & Vire Professionnel® team.