In Paths of Excellence, Yann Brys, one of the Best Crasftmen for Pastry and Elle & Vire Professionnel® Ambassadeur, shares his vision of what means sharing and passing on his pastry knowledge. « Passing on knowledge is what guarantees the longevity of our work as pastry Chefs. »
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What does Paths of Excellence mean to you?

Paths of Excellence, to me, means patiently taking the time to learn. I explain a lot to the people I train to take the time to understand the ingredients we use and to master our job. Today, young people (and probably me as well when I was young) want to go fast and skip important steps. They want to learn how to glaze a dessert before baking it or to focus on the look before focusing on the taste. Yet, this path is really important for the learning process of the job.

How do you apply this transmission in your lab?

The human qualities of a pastry Chef should, above all, be focused on their team. Everybody has to realise that without a team, they are nothing. I believe that every Chef can manage their team with kindness, while still communicating rigorous expectations. I appreciate conviviality, I like conversing and interacting with my team. That is why our role as Chefs is important, to guarantee the transmission of this know-how.

What recipe did you do to illustrate your commitment?

I have decided to create a vanilla log cake that features several levels of the vanilla’s intensity and flavours. Inside there is a decadent crisp insert topped with two veins of unctuous caramel.

How does Elle & Vire Professionnel® Excellence Cream shines through your dessert?

Excellence Whipping cream is showcased in different parts of my recipe. It is featured in the caramel, giving it its thickness and decadence. It adds unctuousness to the vanilla cream. And it makes the inside nice and moist.

I am delighted to have worked with the Elle & Vire Professionnel® brand for several years now, due to all that we share - the excellence that the brand stands for and the excellence that I find myself surrounded by, and the reliable and evolutive quality of products that I believe are essential to our profession, without which we could not convey such unique flavour.

But in addition to all that, there is La Maison de l’Excellence, an incubator for the transformation of these products. I see it as a laboratory showcasing the brand’s know-how in the aim of supporting professionals. Standing up for artisanal values essentially starts with the quality of the raw materials. In other words, without good raw materials, you can’t make good pastries.

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