Elle & Vire Recipes
by Patricia Kettenhofen Photographer


Preparation : 25 min.
6 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
40 cl Cooking Cream
25 g Unsalted Gourmet Butter
20 tranches pain de mie complet
20 tranches bread
2 carrots
1 betterave Chioggia
1/2 concombre « Noa »
100 g shrimps
25 g chives
100 g brousse
50 g fromage de chèvre frais
1 tsp mustard
1 boite sardines
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1 tbsp tomato purée
1/2 lemon
salt and pepper
Elle & Vire products used
Necessary ustensils
Frying pan
Emporte pièce

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    • Put the «Whole Cream of Normandy» Elle & Vire in the fridge.
    • Heat a skillet with «Le Beurre Tendre» Elle & Vire, add the bread slices and brown on each side. Set aside.
    • Whisk 10 cl of «Crème Entière de Normandie  » Elle & Vire with the bush. The mixture must thicken.
    • Peel the carrots and beet. Cut them and the cucumber into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Mix with the mustard and cream and bush mixture. Set aside.
    • Whisk 20 cl of «Crème Entière de Normandie» Elle & Vire with whipped cream. The cream must be very firm.
    • Drain the sardines and mix with the tomato concentrate. Add the cumin powder, pepper, and mix all with half of the «Crème Entière de Normandie» Elle & Vire previously whipped. Book.
    • Cut the shrimp into pieces, add the lemon zest and cilantro powder. Season with salt and pepper, then mix gently with the remaining 10 cl of the «Crème Entière de Normandie» Elle & Vire previously whipped. Book.
    • Whisk 10 cl of «Crème Entière de Normandie» Elle & Vire with the fresh goat, the mixture before thickening, and add the chives. Season with salt, pepper and set aside.
    • To prepare the sandwiches, toast, and butter each slice of bread, then place the four different creams on the bread bases. Reposition a slice on top of each preparation. Press to form a macaron and reserve in a cool place before tasting.
    Chef's tip

    For a nice presentation, you can cut each slice of bread with a round cookie cutter before frying. You can also place toasted almonds or sesame on the bread, or sprinkle with spices or chives.

A few words about the author…

Patricia Kettenhofen

My name is Patricia Kettenhofen, I am a photographer and for many years I have been working exclusively in the culinary world by capturing images that I wish authentic for many customers; I’m also a recipe writer and culinary stylist ... but for my images... Everything inspires me in my profession: the markets, the interior of my neighbour’s fridge, high school canteens, an apple vendor, a crate of carrots, the hands of a gardener, the speech of a farmer or a grandmother who makes her garden, the great chefs of course, books, foreign recipes; my box and I work for you with great humility, it is important in this profession.