Soak the gelatin sheet in cold water.
Wash, dry and remove the strawberries. Cut the strawberries and raspberries into small pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Add the 3 drops of vanilla extract and mix.
Set aside half of the fruit cut in the fridge. Mix the other half to obtain a coulis, skip to Chinese.
Reserve some of the grout for dressing. Heat the rest.
Remove from the heat and stir in the dried gelatin. Mix and cool.
Whisk the cream with the icing sugar until you get a whipped cream, then add the fresh coulis and gelatin.
Reserve in the fridge.
With your fingers, mix together butter, powdered sugar, flour and rose praline powder.
Form a ball and roll it finely between 2 sheets of parchment paper.
Reserve in the fridge.
Preheat oven to 180 °C (th 6).
Boil the milk, butter, salt and sugar. Remove from the heat add the flour and mix well to form a ball.
Place in a container and work the dough with a wooden spoon so that it cools.
Gradually fold in the beaten eggs, stirring until soft and shiny.
Form 12 cabbages using a sleeve pocket on a previously greased baking sheet.
Cut the crunch into 12 3 cm diameter discs and place them on each cabbage.
Bake 20 min at 180 °C (th 6) without opening the oven.
Remove the cabbage from the oven and let it rest on a rack.
Cut the top of each cabbage, reserve the hats.
Garnish the cabbage with a little fruit and whipped cream. Place the remaining cut fruit on top, replace the hats.
Enjoy the cabbage with the fruit coulis previously prepared.