Elle & Vire Recipes


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To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Preparation for the bitter orange marmalade
825 g syrup
325 g water
520 g orange
Cream cheese mousse
500 g Original american cream cheese 34% fat
225 g Mousse & Parfait
175 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
330 g orange marmalade
100 g cooking juice
25 g Grand Marnier
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Preparation for the bitter orange marmalade

    Bring the water and sugar to the boil in a saucepan. Add the washed and finely diced oranges. Cook the marmalade. Strain the marmalade. 

  2. 2

    Cream cheese mousse

    Beat the Mousse & Parfait Dessert Base with the liquid cream for 3 min. Soften the cream cheese to 30°C (86°F), whip using a whisk for 3 min. Mix the different mixtures together. Fill the small glasses using a piping bag. 

  3. 3


    Measure out the cooking juice and fold it into the marmalade. Add the Grand Marnier. Refrigerate. 

  4. 4

    Assembly and finishing

    Fill each glass with a little marmalade and top with a slice of brioche. Fill with cream cheese mousse using a piping bag. Fill again with the orange marmalade. Sprinkle with croutons of toasted brioche* and a few orange segments. 

    *For 2 brioches. Cut into round slices. 

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