Elle & Vire Recipes

Recipe Macaroon Spoon Cookies

Preparation : 30 min.
Cooking : 10 min.
4 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Preparation of the filling
150 g Cooking chocolate
50 cl mascarpone
Preparation of cookies
2 eggs
60 g fine sugar
zeste de 2 clémentines (ou zeste d'une demie orange)
60 g flour
Unsalted Gourmet Butter
Elle & Vire products used
Necessary ustensils
Douille cannelée

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Preparation of the filling

    Faire fondre le chocolat au bain marie. Ajouter 5 cuillère à soupe de crème au mascarpone à fouetter et mélanger. Laisser bien refroidir.

    Fouetter le reste de crème au mascarpone pendant 2 minutes à vitesses moyenne. Peu à peu ajouter ma crème au chocolat. Fouetter jusqu'à ce que la crème épaississe. 

    Placer la crème dans une poche à douille munie d'une douille cannelée. Placer la poche à douille au frais.

  2. 2

    Preparation of cookies

    Preheat oven to 200°
    Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites until firm. Blanch the egg yolks with the sugar and the selected citrus zest. 
    Gently fold the blanched egg yolks into the egg whites. Then pour the flour in rain and with a spatula lift the dough to incorporate.
    Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Lightly butter the surface. Place the unit in a sleeve pocket with a smooth sleeve. Poach the 4/5cm diameter round cookies. Space the cookies. Sprinkle the cookies with icing sugar. Wait until the icing sugar is absorbed and sprinkle the cookies a second time.
    Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Cookies should be golden and shiny on top. Remove from the baking sheet and place on a rack. Let cool.
  3. 3


    Using the pastry bag, spoon the cookie shell with chocolate cream. Place the second shell on top. Here is a shaped macaroon. Repeat the operation. Store in the cool before tasting.