Elle & Vire Recipes
12 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Shortbread pastry
105 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
180 g flour
75 g icing sugar
35 g eggs
30 g almond powder
ground speculoos
Crème Brûlée
1 L Crème Brûlée Bourbon Vanilla
segments of 3 oranges
segments of 3 grapefruits
250 g sliced dates
candied lime zest
brown sugar
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Shortbread pastry

    Combine the butter with the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs then add the egg. Refrigerate to rest. Roll out to a thickness of 2 mm then line the rectangular moulds. Leave to rest.
  2. 2

    Crème Brûlée

    Heat gently the Vanilla Crème Brûlée until it begins to boil. Pour into the pie crust and leave to stand for 30
    minutes at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  3. 3


    Before serving, caramelize the crème brûlée and decorate with fruits.

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A few words about the author…

Sébastien Faré

Sébastien Faré treats us with terroir trends and revisited classics. On this occasion, he imagined for Elle & Vire Professionnel® 7 delicious recipes around the theme of Normandy. These are part of the « Norman Inspirations » recipes collection.

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